We are a dive centre focused on the well being of the ocean and teaching others how to take care of it. This is why we are one of the first ones to offer this speciality open to divers and non-divers: The AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Specialty.
We offer it as an online course, done in just an hour, followed by a little test in order to make sure you understood everything. When that is done, you receive a PADI certification recognised worldwide. You do not need a minimum certification, experience, amount of dives or age. It is open to absolutely anyone who loves the ocean and wants to learn more about it.
In the course you will learn:
- More about Project Aware
- The importance of coral reefs
- What lives on them
- How coral reefs live
- Why they are in danger
- What we can do in order to save coral reefs
And much more!
If you would like to earn this certificate TODAY contact us to get started!